Everyday all of us wake up and have two choices. We can either focus on the positive things in our life or the negative. Each and every one of us has both, positives and negatives. Whatever we focus on is going to be the dominant one.
If I wake up and only focus on the things that Champion can’t do yet, on the amount of time and energy caring for him requires of me, and all of the things that I am unable to do as a result of both of these, the day ends up being not the best. However when I wake up thinking of the amazing things Champion has already accomplished, how much I enjoy being his mom, and the many blessings I have, these days end up being pretty good.
The thing is, most of my days consist of pretty much the same things. We wake up, get ready, go to therapy, do therapy at home, eat, do housework, nap, do g tube feeds. Not much on my to do list changes but my take on the day can vary greatly. Some days it is nearly impossible for me to accomplish all that needs to be done and some days I breeze through full of joy and zest for life.
I began to examine what was different about some days versus others. I realized that the old adage of how I was looking at the glass was at play. See the days that I had a zest for life I wasn’t looking at circumstances with Champion negatively. On these days I was full of expectation for the future, saw each day as an opportunity to help Champion achieve more milestones and saw the glass as half full. The other days the glass was half empty and empty is how I would feel.
I realized that I cannot control every circumstance in my life, but that how I respond to it is completely up to me. Every day I can decide to meet it with joy and expectation or I can meet it with negative thoughts from the gitgo. I have begun being more conscious of the decisions I am making regarding my day.
It is not always easy and I have to fight through some pretty strong negative emotions at times, but the days when I really make the effort to nip the negative thoughts in the bud, there really is a difference in the enjoyment of that day.
Let’s face it. Being a mom is rewarding but is also hard work. It can be draining. It can zap your energy, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Add a child with special needs into the mix and it can become dangerously draining. Attitude is not always the only area that needs to be examined and tended to but it definitely needs to be a priority.
What tips do you have for keeping a good attitude in the midst of challenging circumstances?

Hi! I found you via SimpleMom, and I love this post. I feel this way so often. Attitude is everything. I am a mom to three, 6, 4 and 16mos. None of my children are special needs, but we’ve had our share of premie issues, surgery, OT/PT and speech therapy, and the like. There are certainly days that have ups, downs, and all arounds. I find my faith in the Lord, prayer, the support of my husband, coffee, and bloggers like you, who remind me to be me, are what pull me through the tough times and let me know it is alright to celebrate the good times.
Thanks for this post! May you have a blessed day.
Wow, it sounds like you have your hands quite full and have experienced your share of having a few extra issues to focus on. Thank you for sharing what helps you get though the tougher moments… and great reminder to celebrate the good times. Blessings to you as well!
You are welcome. And the photos of your son…he is just adorable!
Thank you 🙂
Lovely to find your blog via Ellen x
I have been on this journey for seven years and I always make time for a 1:1 date with cooper ( he’s at school now) that is something other than racing to school or therapy or appts. In the early days there would be therapy breaks during term break and if I was feeling too overwhelmed we would skip therapy and go to the park and eat ice cream!
What a great idea to do a date with him. That probably makes him feel really special! I will definitely be borrowing that idea once Champion is in school. And going to the park and eating ice cream sounds like a wonderful occasional alternative to the sometimes never ending therapy appts. Thanks for sharing!
I have to admit, I sometimes let the negative thoughts overtake the positive. Counting blessings seems to help.
Counting blessings is really helpful. It can sometimes take quite a bit of effort to be able to keep the focus on the positive but making it a point to count blessings is such a great way to combat the negatives. I, too, have had plenty of days where the negatives overtake the positives. Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
I also found your blog via Ellen. Your right, it is all in the attitude. Sometimes I would like to just roll over, but something just keeps me going. Thanks for your post. I look forward to reading more of your blog!
I definitely have experienced that just wanting to roll over thing on many occasions! Thank you for sharing and helping me remember I am not the only one who feels like that at times.
I am looking at your post, and applying them to my own life. I love your picture of the cup as half full….it is just a reminder to me that we must look at it that way. Much love to you and Champion, I am with you along the journey and happy to learn more from you in this quarter of our lives…as in the first quarter. I am going to remember to live fully and when my waters get low to remember to replenish and get filled with life’s loveliness. I <3 you and your family….keep up the great work, and keep inspirirng us.
Stregnth, courage and wisdom….Love too!
Thank You Mia! I am so glad you stopped by and read my blog :-). Thank you for being with me on this journey and I look forward to learning from you as well in this next quarter of our lives as i have in the first! Thank you very much for the encouragement.
Pray. Read the bible. Laugh. Shop. Watch the news…because it will show you how life could be a lot worse.
Thanks Coupon AJ for sharing how you keep a good attitude in the midst of challenging circumstances. I am definitely learning the power of laughter in the midst of challenges and counting blessings works wonders for keeping the right attitude.