“We don’t have to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Acts. We’re a privately owned residential area.”
After some protesting and trying to understand I thanked him for his time and hung up the phone, frustrated.
This was the second time I had approached the HOA of the condo complex we live in and both times I got the same answer. That they don’t fall under the category of having to comply with the American with Disabilities act. From my own research I learned they also don’t fall under the Fair Housing Act because of the date they were built.
I was trying to get a ramp put in for the only entrance and exit in and out of the converted condo we live in. There are a few steps leading up and they’re just high enough and shallow enough where lifting Champion’s wheelchair onto its back wheels isn’t feasible.
So we have a *five foot portable ramp we keep out front that I put out and pick up each time Champion and I leave the house.
This has been a good solution thus far. I had no complaints about it…until we started talking about expanding our family and having another baby.
The thought of picking up the hefty five foot ramp while pregnant was concerning to me. And the reasoning may seem irrational but for me I felt like I needed to have a solution to the ramp in order to move forward.
A couple of years ago I had a miscarriage. The pregnancy was a surprise pregnancy that ended ten days after we found out.
The morning that it happened I had been out grocery shopping. I remember straining to pick up a heavy bag of groceries and a few minutes later discovered that the pregnancy was looking like it would be ending in a miscarriage.
Although the extreme stress of that time period may have had more to do with it then the lifting, that was what stuck in my mind. So when we started discussing trying for another baby, the lifting of the ramp was one of the things that came to my mind, and caused me to worry.
But then in the midst of the initial frustration and worry of the HOA’s response to putting a permanent ramp out there, this thought floated through my mind and brought such peace to my heart: “Why worry about something that I know God is going to work out anyway, just like He has over and over again before?”
I began to remember how He worked it out for me to leave my job and stay home with Champion, how He worked it out for us to find the place we’re living at that has been great for us up until this point, how He worked it out so that Champion got services he needed but didn’t look like he’d get, how He worked it out for us to be financially taken care of over and over again.
So many instances where I wasted time worrying about something that worked out even more beautiful that I could have ever imagined.
As I remembered all those times and then some I began to relax and felt myself just trusting.
Trusting that there would be a solution that would be beyond what I can think or imagine.
Trusting that He would provide us exactly what we need as we seek to enter into a new season of adding to our family.
Trusting that He knows all my fears and worries and He is right there, ready to give me peace of mind and peace in my heart.
So this time I refuse to worry, I refuse to waste time on something that I know God will work out anyway, just like He has time and time before.
Let’s Talk! Please share your thoughts on worry and how you cope with it. Has there been a time you worried about something only to find it work out in a way that you never thought possible? What are some things you worried about only to find out all the worrying was in vain?
*Looking for a portable ramp? Here’s a handy calculator we found helpful for figuring out the size ramp we needed.
Photo Credit: Wetsun, Photo Credit: marc falardeau
(This post contains my referral link. Read disclosure here.)
Linked Up at: Cornerstone Confessions
Linked Up at: Pour Your Heart Out

That sounds beyond frustrating! I think everyone should have to comply with the ADA. I know God will work it out for you, and I hope he places some compassion in the hearts of those people who refuse to help. May all your dreams come true in terms of trying for another little one.
I agree, I think everyone should have to comply also. The loopholes need to be done away with. Thank you so much your encouragement and well wishes as we expand our family :-)!
Jo Lynn, that’s so frustrating! You’re doing a beautiful job of REMEMBERING the times that God has been faithful to provide for you and your sweet family. May He richly bless you as you kick worry to the side of the road and you begin your new journey of trying for a new little blessing!
Thank you so much for your encouragement! Remembering all that He has done in the past has been such a helpful tool in my journey of kicking worry to the side of the road. I love the imagery of the road we’re on being cleared of worry!. Thank you for the written blessing as we begin to expand our family!
I hope you find a solution!
Sometimes I just let myself wallow in worry for a short period of time- and then I’m able to get over it.
Yes, hopefully we will have a good solution soon. Thanks for stopping by and sharing how you cope with worry :-)!
Is there an option for you guys to have one installed yourself out of your own pocket? Would they even go for it? Man, this really grills my cheese. They “don’t” have to do it, but they should because you’ve asked, live there, and need it.
For things I can’t change I try my hardest not to worry. There are only so many hours in my day and if I give up any seconds to worry, it’s not productive (it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen though).
That’s what I was thinking also, that even though they don’t “have” to, its still something they could “want” to do. Unfortunately the steps leading up to the unit we live in are considered common area so it has to go through the HOA. I love your expression “grills my cheese.” I never heard that before but I like it! Thanks also for sharing your views on worry. That is the truth definitely, worry is not productive and it takes away valuable time.
Oh, what a beautiful post! Firts, let me say that I also agree that everyone should comply with the ADA. It’s ridiculous! But I must say you handled it so well. Yes, with two boys on the spectrum, I worry a lot but, like you, God has shown me time and time again that he is in control. My biggest worries were when they were turning 5 and going into kindergarten, both times I worried, gave it to the Lord, and now they are in amazing schools, each tailor made for their needs. God is good and he will also prove himself in your ramp situation. i will keep it on my prayers.
Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad you came by and shared your journey of worry and how the Lord has worked it out in such an amazing way for both your sons. I find it so helpful to hear other’s testimonies. Thank you for keeping our ramp situation in your prayers. I truly appreciate it!