I love Champion’s smile, how he squeals in delight over the littlest things, how he kicks his legs in excitement when he sees me pick up his backpack with his feeding pump in it, knowing he’s next.
He is so appropriate with his smile, always ready to give one to anyone willing to receive it.
I sometimes see him smiling at people while we’re out, and he keeps smiling at them even as they look past him.
He doesn’t get discouraged by rejection though, the next person he sees he’s ready to offer them his joy filled smile, seemingly unaware that not everyone is loving life the way he is.
I hear this from so many parents of children with special needs, that their children truly enjoy the little things in life, have an unexplainable joy, and are inspiring in the way they approach life.
It is amazing to me that so many children born with extreme challenges are the ones who teach us so much about loving and living.
In the beginning, after we found out about Champion’s diagnosis, I would ask God “Why?” a lot from a place of heartbreak and anger.
I cried a lot. I slammed doors and lashed out at family and friends.
It was a really tough time.
But in the midst of this journey, somewhere deep in my soul a shift happened.
I am so grateful to be Champion’s mom now, even with all the challenges and time commitment the role requires of me.
Being around him day in and day out, observing his reactions to situations, to people, to us, and to the challenges he faces has made my life so much more meaningful.
Sometimes, my eyes will fill with tears and I find myself asking God “Why?” but it is from a totally different place than at the beginning of this journey.
I now ask from a place of gratitude and amazement.
I am so in awe that God has allowed me to be this little boy’s mommy.
To witness this fiercely determined little miracle in the making take place before my eyes.
To be on the receiving end of these overwhelmingly joyous smiles.
To be given the gift of nurturing this uniquely special soul.
And to be a part of a a community of amazing mommys and daddys being totally transformed by their children who need a little bit extra.
I finally find myself at a place where I can exhale, and say that I am finding myself more and more content versus heartbroken and angry. This is so much better than the inner destructive turmoil I found myself in for the first several years.
Even though there are still many challenges we face, I feel like I can breathe again and I feel like I am truly enjoying this gift of a son I have been given.
Let’s Talk! What unexpected Gifts are you enjoying? Please share in the comments, I’d love to hear about them.
Linked at: Pour Your Heart Out

I’m stopping by from Pour your heart out.
Special needs have always had a place in my heart. I started working as a caregiver for adults when I was 19 and I still work with them part time now. These special people can teach us so much more than we teach them.
Sounds like you have really been touched by working with the people you work with! I have learned so much from my son, way more than I ever thought I would. Thanks so much for stopping by!
This is such a beautiful post, had to share it! I love how you have embraced the true joy in your precious child, and find strength in your unique and wondrous journey- no matter how difficult it is. Just beautiful. (Visiting from PYHO)
Thank you so much for sharing it and for your kind words. It took me awhile to truly enjoy this ride I’m on with him, but once I surrendered to it, life with him has been so amazing. Thank you very much for the encouragement.
Oh that gorgeous smile!
Thank You Shell! He smiles through so much, its amazing to me.
Hello, I am from Mexico, and my little star called Julia was diagnosed wirh miller dicker… she was born on august 28 2015…. my little star turned off september 30…. I have read your post and makes me very happy that Champion has been able to overtake every obstacle… my total admiration for you.. you are a terrific mom… and certainly this little angels come to teach us more things than we teach to them.. How is he nowadays?