As I sit here I still can’t believe the events of this past week.
For quite some time I have been following the story of an amazing little boy named Gavin. I stumbled upon his mom, Kate’s, blog Chasing Rainbows through Love That Max and was hooked from the beginning. Gavin inspired me so much with all the obstacles he overcame in miraculous ways.
Image from Chasing Rainbows
His mom’s love and dedication to him was awe inspiring to me. Through her words, her stories, her advocating, and her love for her family she taught me so much.
The week started off normally with a great story of Gavin’s visit to the dentist and then helping his mom drop off his grandfather’s wheelchair and donate it to the hospital that helped Gavin so much.
The very next day his mom put out a call for prayer, letting us all know that Gavin had stopped breathing and was in cardiac arrest.
In his mom’s style of strength and grace she shared updates on his progress, and finally shared that Gavin would be taken off of life support and his organs donated.
She shared that he would be leaving this earth and going to live in “Heaven’s House”, as his little brother Brian calls it, where he would be reunited with his twin, his sister Darcy and his other brothers and sisters who had returned to heaven before birth.
Gavin’s life touched so many people.
He was a fighter.
His mom is a fighter. His dad and his brother are fighters.
As she chronicled her daily life with him, it was full of fun times, like them dancing in the kitchen, or her love bombing him.
She went above and beyond for him, even getting the state representatives office involved when the school wouldn’t allow their beloved helper Miss Sara accompany Gavin to school. Kate stopped at nothing to help her amazing son, and in turn has inspired thousands with her love for her son.
Gavin was wheelchair bound for most of his life and then just seemingly out of nowhere started walking on his own. He was healed miraculously of a hearing impairment. He survived many many illnesses that tried to take him out in his early years of life. His life is one full of miracles.
He taught so many people so much about life and love, without ever uttering a word.
The loss of Gavin is one that is felt deeply.
His smile, his determination, his strength to overcome obstacle after obstacle touched the hearts and lives of so many.
I can’t believe he is gone from here. But he is.
He is in heaven just like his mom said, reunited with loved ones who have gone before him. Even though he is not physically here with us, he still lives on.
Gavin lives on in the hearts of so many of us by the words so lovingly written by his mom over the years of his life.
He lives on in the community that banned together and prayed furiously for this miraculous soul.
He lives on in the souls of all of us who have been inspired and touched to the very core of our being by his life, and also when he left this earth.
There was so much love and hope in both, his life and his death.
He will forever be missed and will never be forgotten.
Please join in helping Gavin to live on. Please help to keep his legacy and the lessons he taught so many continue.
Gavin passed on his mom’s birthday, of which she wrote:
“Our sweet son was officially pronounced dead at 9:53 this evening. Today was the hardest, most heart wrenching day of our lives. It was also a wonderful birthday gift to me – to know that I could birth this beautiful soul from my body on his birthday… only to usher him into Heaven on mine.”
The word strength does Kate no justice.
In the same post, she asked for others to do good in honor of Gavin, that day, the next day, or in the coming years. The outpouring of good done in honor of Gavin has been something to see. My own Champion was one of thirty kids who received a free app, Speak for Yourself, normally $200 dollars in honor of Gavin. A gift that is beyond words, in honor of a boy who changed the world, never speaking a word.
A visit to her facebook page, where she asked people to post what they’ve done, will leave you inspired.
If you have been inspired by the life of Gavin and would like a button for your site that links back to Kate’s blog, Chasing Rainbows, here is one. Please paste on the sidebar of your blog, so that when readers come to your site they too can be inspired by the life of Gavin David Leong.
A superhero who continues to live on, changing lives as he does.
Grab a Button for Gavin
To get the button for your site, see “A Superhero Lives on” on my sidebar. Choose the size of the button you want, then copy the code from the box under the button (be sure to scroll all the way down the box to get the whole code) and then copy and paste it on the sidebar of your site. When people click on it they will be taken automatically to Kate’s blog.
Let’s keep Gavin in our hearts and our memories. Let’s help him live on.
More posts in honor of Gavin can be found at Love That Max here.

Thank you. I saw your post on the Chasing Rainbows FB page and found your blog, and the button. It is now permanantly on my blog.
So glad you grabbed a button! I think it will be so great for new people to learn about and be inspired by Gavin from the button being on your blog. Thank you for putting in on your site.
Thank you for the recap and the button. I didn’t have the good fortune to know of Chasing Rainbows until this tragedy and I appreciate hearing more of Gavin’s story.
Thank you for coming by and grabbing a button for your site. Gavin’s story is so inspiring and touching, I’m glad more people will learn of him as they go to your site as well.