I LOVE writing. It has probably been the single most therapeutic thing I do. Excercise is up there also (when I actually do it) but it doesn’t hold a candle to the clean feeling I have after writing.
It’s hard to describe, this feeling I have when the words have run out and the pressure to get them out is relieved.
I feel light, free, and purposeful. And it happens every time.
Every time I sit down to write I feel better after.
I do two kinds of writing. I write publicly here on this blog and I also write privately in a very private journal that I hope no one ever reads.
Both have totally different purposes, but I have found both are very necessary for me.
However, since I have been blogging, I’ve slacked off on my journaling.
I’m glad in a way that happened as it has helped me to see how important and how absolutely necessary journaling is for me.
When I write for blogging, I write for the purpose of sharing what I have written.
I write with an audience in mind. I write knowing that someone will hopefully read it and that it will hopefully resonate with them and touch their life in some way.
I write publicly for the purpose of connection with other people and the benefits that come from those connections.
I have been blessed tremendously by the connections I have made through blog writing.
There is nothing like putting my thoughts, feelings, and experiences down in written form and having another life touched by it or have another reach out and provide me with comfort and encouragement based on what I have written and shared.
I truly enjoy blog writing!
But there is a part of me that NEEDS private writing and the freedom it brings.
There are thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, and dreams that I am either to ashamed to share with others, to bashful to admit I have, or they are to close to my heart to let them go very far.
Private writing for me consists of opening my journal, writing the date and the time followed by Dear Heavenly Father.
I then proceed to take God at His Word when He says to cast all my cares on Him.
Whatever comes to my mind, whatever needs to get out, gets out, no matter how ugly, shameful, or petty it is.
It took me a LONG time till I could write honestly this way.
But this type of writing, this get it all out, hold nothing back writing has brought me peace of mind like nothing else. There have been times when I have been plagued by a thought or a fear so overwhelming I felt like it was crushing me, only to have it all but disappear when I’ve spent some time journaling HONESTLY about it.
Private writing is a serious tool for me to have healthy emotions and a healthy sense of well-being. Private writing is so therapeutic. It is freeing, it is faith building, it is an absolute must for me.
I think the excitement and thrill of blog writing made me forget for a little while my need for private writing.
But after a while the feelings and emotions have once again begun to well up and seek a place to be spilled in a messy, unstructured, ultra safe place.
I know that I must heed them and allow them to have their place to dwell and be sorted out.
If I don’t I know they will find their way out, somehow, someway, and dealing with them then won’t be nearly as therapeutic and they will definitely require a lot more clean up than simply closing my journal and putting my pen down.
I am glad that I took a little break from private writing. It has helped me to really see the value in it and also helped me to see that while I truly enjoy public writing, I MUST make time to do my private writing also.
Both are important to me in this season of life. Both are necessary in their own way. Both have really helped me in this journey I’m on with Champion. Both contribute to my life in a healthy way and, with the time I do have available for writing, I now know that I NEED to strike a healthy balance between the two.
Let’s Talk! Are you writer? Do you journal? What benefits have you experienced from writing? If not, what are some other activities you find therapeutic?
Linked at: Fellowship Friday

This really made me think. I started keeping a journal at a very young age. And yet I’ve almost completely stopped since I started blogging. But maybe I need to start again.
I’m glad it resonated with you! Blogging is such a good outlet too but theres something so very therapeutic about journaling and the freedom in it. Hoping its a good experience for you if you pick it back up again 🙂
I’d JUST decided to start journaling again when I read the title of your post. I’ve been wanting to sit down and read it for a couple of days now. Great article!
I’m so glad this post was timely for you! Yay also to beginning journaling again…so many positive benefits from it 🙂
Thank you for sharing this. You have given me food for thought this morning. You are so right – since I started blogging, entries in my journal have been non-existent. Time to wipe the dust off of my journal! I visited from Fellowship Fridays & am so glad that I did this morning!
Thanks for visiting and sharing Joanne! And enjoy as you dust off the journal and start up again 🙂
Found your blog through CMB FF. I don’t really journal per se anymore, although I used to and did for years. I think what I do now is more a combination: My first drafts (that no one sees) are more like personal journal entries, and then I revise them into appropriate blog posts. (Does that make sense?)
That does make sense Valerie. I think its helpful to do some writing that no one sees and it sounds like you have found a good system that is working well! Thank you for coming by.
What a great post! When I started blogging, I gave up journaling for awhile, and I almost felt stunted. There is something absolutely freeing about sitting down and writing whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar or political correctness or really anything. So many writing blogs encourage us to write every day, and I do, but I don’t think we should limit our creativity and our writing to our blogs. (Can you tell I feel passionate about this 😉 )
Thank you so much for sharing!
I feel your passion Kelsey! I feel you to on the free-ness of writing without worrying about anything but getting it out. It sounds like you experience the benefits of this kind of writing also. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I used to write in a private journal but stopped for years. Recently I’ve begun to journal again and it truly is therapeutic.
Hi Rose, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the benefits of journaling again. As you said it is truly so therapeutic. Thank you so much for sharing!