Spring is normally my favorite time of the year.
I love the clear skies, the wispy clouds, the beginning of warm nights and waking up to the smell of freshly cut grass, one of my favorite scents.
I love going from wearing pants to capris and skirts, from wearing sneakers to sandals and flip-flops.
I love the anticipation in the air of new beginnings as school years come to a close, graduations mark the beginning of new paths in life, and times of rest and rejuvenation are around the corner.
Spring is a beautiful season.
This spring though is not one that goes down in my book as one of my favorites.
It began with a miscarriage, crescendoed with Champion being denied his feeding therapy, and is tapering off with Champion recovering from a minor surgery and working on sleep issues.
I’m still in pants because I haven’t shaved my legs, still in sneakers as my toenails need some tending too, and haven’t been outside much to enjoy the warm nights or the freshly cut grass smell.
But...in the midst of those challenges this spring did re-introduce me to a long-lost love of mine.
And it feels like I’ve rediscovered a lost part of my soul as this love of mine has been re-kindled.
And that love, my friends, is a love for reading.
And not just reading but READING, like get lost in a book, characters become my friends, don’t know what to do with myself when the book ends READING.
And it has seriously helped me to relax more. To sleep better. To have a true break for my heart and my mind without even leaving the house.
I have fallen completely, deeply, profoundly back in love with reading and the power that stories and well-developed characters have. And I am not letting it go this time.
How do I find time to read? Good question.
I used to think that I didn’t have the time, so I just didn’t do it.
But then I realized that I was spending time doing something every single day that was not rejuvenating me, seemed to be draining me more, and was not giving me the break my heart and mind needed.
So during the month of May I took a break from this thing that has become unhealthy for me, and in return I read seven books.
I almost hesitate to admit what it is that I swapped out reading for, because A) I’m embarrassed to admit I spent seven books worth of time doing this and B) I know some people are not negatively affected by this activity but for some reason I really am.
The way I found time to read was by reading the times that I would normally go on Facebook.
Yep that’s right, I was spending seven books worth of time looking at what other people were doing, trying to come up with something about my day to share, and then eagerly waiting for interaction.
By not spending my time doing the above and instead filling that time with reading, I feel so much more refreshed, less anxious about life, and just healthier in general.
So as spring comes to a close and summer is approaching, I am looking forward to continuing on this trend of reading more and Facebooking way less (like hardly at all).
And I am looking forward to sharing with you some of my favorites books I have recently found! (And hearing suggestions from you on some books to check out.)
Let’s Talk: Do you enjoy reading? If so what are some of your favorite types of books to read? What barriers have you had to overcome to make time for reading? As far as social media, how do you use it (or not use it) in a way that is healthy for you?
Photo Credit: Promanex, Douglas R Witt, YLev
Linked at: Pour Your Heart Out, Fellowship Fridays, Love That Max

Oh, that’s a rough, rough spring. I just posted about books today…we are on the same page. 🙂 I hope you continue to feel better.
Thank you very much Tiffany for your empathy. I know you’ve experienced some rough seasons in your parenting journey as well, it feels good to be understood by another mom. Good play on words too, we are on the same page about books 🙂
I love to read! I find that I can always find time to read- it’s just a matter of choosing not to watch a tv show or to get off twitter. Or to read while I’m forced to wait out somewhere.
I always enjoy the reading quotes/picture things you post on facebook :-)! I definitely learned that lesson this month, finding time to read is just a matter of choosing not to do something else. Reading while forced to wait somewhere is always a great way to spend that time!
Oh boy can I relate! I have made a conscious effort to put my computer upstairs while I am downstairs. Each time I look for it, reach for it, or think about going upstairs, I am reminded that I check it too much! I love reading but “don’t have the time” is something I say all the time…this is a great idea! Thanks 🙂
Keeping the computer in a different area is a great idea to aid in not going on it so much! It’s definitely still a struggle for me to curb my online time but seeing the results from my May break has opened my eyes to how much time I was really spending on the Internet, some of it for helpful things, some just wasting time. Looking forward to hearing the good news of your baby’s arrival soon 🙂 Oh yeah and one of the books I’ve been reading in my Facebook break time is your guys book Intentional Blogging. Love it!