I actually exercised today and it felt really good! And the fact that it was my second time this week made it even better.
I have a hard time fitting in exercise because I haven’t really been viewing it as a necessary task.
Making my son’s g tube feeds and feeding him happens daily no matter what. Making my daughters food and feeding her happens daily no matter what. Dishes and laundry happen (eventually 😉) most days no matter what.
But exercise – it hardly ever happens. It is way too often put on the back burner and in my mind falls into the “not really necessary” category.
If I don’t feed my son or my daughter or make their food or tend to their needs there are serious consequences for that. So even though I don’t always feel like doing those things, I do them every single day because I know they are necessary and that there’s really not a choice to not do them.
Not exercising though has serious consequences as well. Just not the immediate consequences other must-do tasks have, therefore it’s easier to choose not to do it.
Exercise is one of those things that I know if I don’t start making it a priority now, I will most likely somewhere in the future find myself in a predicament of really wishing I had.
There have been so many times that I have set out with the goal of exercising a couple of times a week and start off good but fall off pretty quickly.
When I fall off, next thing I know, several weeks or a month goes by and I think, “Wow that month went pretty quick, imagine if I would have just done the exercise like I said I would! I’d already be this far in and actually be where I wanted to back when I started.”
I’m learning the days come and go whether I do those things I know are good for me or not.
Life’s going to go on whether I’m spending my time wisely or not.
The seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years are going to continue quickly moving along no matter what I’m doing or not doing with them.
So why not just get it in gear and start following through with some of these things like exercise that I may not see as all the way necessary but are really beneficial and have the power to greatly improve my life!
So what’s different this time than my previous attempts at it?
This time I have it anchored really well in my schedule. It’s attached to an activity I have to do five days a week, therefore it’s going to be much harder to not follow though with.
I have an actual realistic written down plan of when exercise happens in my day to day life instead of it just being haphazardly thrown around in my mind as something to do with no actual set time to do it.
And I think for me this having an actual realistic plan for it happening may be the link I’ve been missing all along.
At the end of the month I’m going to report back how consistent I’ve been with my exercising. Although I really think having it anchored well in my schedule will make it happen, I also think having some accountability can’t hurt either 😊.
Where are you at with exercising? What hinders or helps you make it happen? If you need some accountability leave a comment and we can help each other!
P.S. I wrote a couple of years ago about exercise here and here as well. Although I’m starting over again with being consistent with it, those posts have a lot about how important it is (with some specifics for if like me you have a child with special needs) and additional ways to make it happen.
Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful rest of your day (or night!).

Hi. I have accidentally stumbled upon your blog whilst researching the blended diet. Your blogs on sleep started my tears as my situation is similar, but I really felt for you. I live in the UK and struggle with friendships as I am honest about feelings and speak up about the good and the bad which is not a very English thing! I have found your honesty very refreshing, warming and hopeful. I totally get your exercise thing and have started skipping, though can only manage a minute before gasping for oxygen! My daughter looks on fascinated and slightly perturbed! Thank you for doing your thing-it may seem just like words on a screen from another continent, but it means a lot and helps a lot! Amanda x
I love that you started skipping as a way to exercise! I remember it being so easy as a child but would probably be in the same boat of gasping for air now. What a joyful way to go about exercising. I am so glad you came across my blog while looking for the blenderized diet. It’s been such a beneficial thing, time consuming also, but so beneficial so we keep with it. Thank you very much for your whole comment and your very kind encouraging words. I really appreciate what you shared and am really encouraged after reading it!