I have to admit I did not know what a blog was until about a year and a half ago. Prior to that I didn’t really do much online beyond the basics of email, a rarely used facebook page, and researching information I was curious about. I had no idea the wealth of information and insight I was missing out on the web through the medium of blogging!
My discovery of blogs began when I left the work force and became a full time stay at home Mom to Champion. After he was born I returned to work part time while he was still in the ICU following his open heart surgery. Ten months later I had reached the end of my rope trying to juggle a career and caring for Champion. I happily left the workforce and became a full time stay at home mom.
But oh how I quickly discovered I was severely lacking in the homemaking skills area. Even though I no longer had working outside of the home on my plate, I felt like I was drowning in my new career as a stay home mom. That is until I discovered blogs. Through some incredible women who shared their strategies for saving money, being organized, and balancing it all with the extra demands of special needs parenting, I was able to create some order in life and find some peace with my new gig.
By then I had fallen completely in love with reading blogs. I would excitedly check sites to see if new posts were up, enjoyed interacting with others through commenting and sharing ideas, and found comfort during trying times. As my journey of blog reading continued I discovered that the incredible women I was learning from were… incredible women but also down to earth, everyday women… just like me. I began dreaming about having a blog, being able to share from my experiences and connect with other families who know very well the challenges and victories that come with the territory of being the parent of a chold with special needs.
I started researching and learning what it would take and voila, here I am today… embarking on this exciting new path of sharing, impacting, connecting…and blogging. I have no idea where blogging will take me. I never thought I’d be blogging but here I am and I’m excited. I’m excited to have a place to encourage and receive encouragement from other moms (and dads). I’m excited to share tips that I have discovered along the way that have revolutionized our lives. I’m excited to have a place to share the joyous moments we experience and also a place to find comfort during the tougher times. I feel like I’m traveling down a new path in life and I can’t wait to discover all the treasures along the way! So… here we go… Let the blogging begin!
1st Photo Credit; 2nd Photo Credit; 3rd Photo Credit