Champion sees a variety of doctors. A few he sees every 2 monthes, a few every 3 monthes, and a few every six monthes. Somehow a large portion of them happen to coincide with this Christmas season.
Therefore between now and the end of January, Champion will see the following doctors: Orthopedic, Orthotist, Eye, Cardiologist, Urologist, Neurologist, GI, as well as a panel of doctors regarding continuation of his therapy services. He will also have a sleep deprivation EEG and an echocardiogram. And continue his twice weekly Occupational and Physical Therapy sessions.
Sorry Christmas consumerism, there is no way you can convince me that Jesus is not the reason for the season.
Nothing and No One else provides me with hope and comfort in the midst of doctor’s reports and unfavorable predictions. Nothing and No One else has brought me this comfort and peace that I experience daily. Nothing and No One else helps to keep me free of worry and anxiety. I thought this situation with Champion would cause me to abandon faith in Jesus but instead I really learned who He is and what believing in Him really means.
So many people are hurting and going through really tough situations. If this is you and you are looking for comfort and peace, and most of all LOVE, know that this is what Jesus gives. He is not about rules and punishing you for what you do, expecting you to be perfect, and waiting for you to mess up. He is about LOVE.
And you don’t have to ask Him to love you.
He already does…no matter what. His love is a gift simply waiting to be received.
I hope everyone has a very Merry and Love filled Christmas season!
photo credit 1, photo credit 2