Well it’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted on here.
Where do I begin to get back into blogging?
Do I go back and post about all that has happened in the year plus since new words have graced this site?
Or do I pick up right where I am now and trust that as time goes on inspiration to fill in the gap will hit?
I’m going with the latter, starting again from right where I am.
A year ago one of my closest friends sent me a bracelet that says Just Start. For blogging it’s taken a year for the message to soak in. To just start.
And while just starting with blogging has taken awhile to sink in, there’s been a steady stream of just starting in other areas that has taken place since my friend’s gift of encouragement landed in my mailbox.
There was the just starting with transforming the way I eat, therefore losing a good chunk of weight and feeling better, by going through a nutritionist.
There was the just starting of regularly using the treadmill that had been sitting dormant in our family room, thereby lifting my mood and increasing my energy.
There was the just starting of going to nearly 8 months of counseling, healing deep wounds and giving me a framework to reshape thoughts and details surrounding difficult events.
All of the above things that I just started were things that always seemed so elusive to me, things that I didn’t think I could actually do.
I was frozen by fear until the message of just start, even if I don’t do it perfectly or how someone else does it, sunk in to where the fear melted away and gave way to action and action is giving way to transformation.
While blogging has been one of the main things I’ve wanted to just start, there’s been a domino affect as a result of these other things I’ve just started. That domino effect is leading me to have the courage that I can make blogging happen, that I do have the time and energy to write here on a regular basis and that it is something I can just start (and keep up with!).
So that’s what I’m going to do, put finger to screen, write from where I’m at and just start.
Let’s Talk: What things have you just started that were hard for you? What are some things you want to just start and what is holding you back from it?