Living in a small place with lots of accumulated stuff, a good amount of medical equipment and supplies, and me not having the best domestic or organizational skills has resulted in us living in a pretty constant state of chaos for a good portion of the time I have been a wife and mother.
I have desperately sought out strategies to be more organized from a variety of resources with the hopes of having more inner calm and more time for the things that really matter to me.
From books to blogs to pestering friends and strangers who seem efficient and unstressed with “how do you manage (insert task)” questions, my search for the order I’ve been looking for has seemed endless.
I’ve written about that journey here, and here, and here and probably some other places as well.
While the resources I came across have been amazing building blocks that have pointed me towards organizational success and helped my mind to grasp organizational concepts, this past May we took a huge step to lay a very solid organizational foundation for our family and home.
What was that huge step you ask? Well, we hired a professional organizer!!
That’s right, we paid someone to come into our home, wade us out of the mess we were living in and put systems in place that we can actually manage.
And despite my husband’s initial very strong resistance to monetarily investing in our home this way, once our organizer came in and made sense of our home for us, we are both in AWE of the results and agree that hiring her was some of the best money we have invested in our family.
What Our Journey To Hiring A Professional Organizer Looked Like
The idea of hiring a professional organizer had been festering in my mind for several years now.
My first foray into the world of professional organizers came about four and a half years ago when we were parents of one child and I was pregnant with our second.
At that time I had two organizers take a took at our place and give us a quote. My husband was adamantly against it and I wasn’t completely sold on either organizer so we decided to forgo hiring someone and instead try to organize ourselves.
At that time my husband put the idea of hiring an organizer out of his mind while I simply tabled the idea for later 😉.
Fast forward to Spring 2018 and we’ve been parenting two kids for a few years now, including a very fun and joy filled son who lives with significant medical complexities and disabilities. In that time we’d also had some external circumstances slam into our family that threw us for quite a loop.
Add those things on top of a demanding g tube feeding schedule, regular multiple medical appointments, regular household chores, trying to spend quality time as a family among the other miscellaneous’s of life and needless to say our attempts at organizing ourselves had not been as successful as we’d have liked.
Eventually we found ourselves in the same predicament we’d been in four years ago, excited about the future but looking at our chaos and wondering how we were going to thrive in the midst of the mess.
Seems something about expecting a child seems to kick me into an organizing frenzy (hint, hint 😉).
As I sat pregnant with our third child, looking around our small, cluttered, disorganized space, contemplating how another person was going to fit in, I knew we really needed help.
I began broaching the subject of hiring an organizer again to my husband. After quite a bit of back and forth (I won’t bore you with all the details about that part of the process but I will say this step entailed some very…we’ll call them discussions) we began the process of looking to hire an organizer.
How We Found Our Organizer and What Made Us Hire Her
This time rather than just relying on google (the first one I found on google this go around called her dog a piece of s&@t during our initial first few minutes of talking…no thank you) I turned to the National Association of Professional Organizers website. I typed in our location and voila professional organizers galore.
From there I contacted several different organizers and that’s how we found our gold mine of an organizer, Tanya Bond of Functioning Spaces.
Her website was beautiful and detailed.
Her after pictures on Instagram were a style I liked.
Her communication from the very beginning was professional yet personable, thorough and detailed, compassionate and non-judge-mental.
Her passion to see people live a more organized, less stressed life flowed through her.
And from my husband’s perspective her price and all that was included in it was right.
Thus began our amazing journey to a more organized home!
In the process we also formed an incredible working relationship with a very compassionate, understanding professional who came into our home and left us in a much better state then we could have ever hoped for!
We still, several months later, talk about how awesome our time working with Tanya was and how much of a gift what she did for our home continues to be.
Stay tuned, my next post will be all about Step 1 of the process of how she took us from feeling overwhelmed in our home to loving our space!
Let’s Talk: Have you reached an organizing “breaking point” before? If so I’d love to hear about it, whether you’re there now or how you moved past it.
Note: We paid full price for Tanya’s services. She has no idea I’m writing this review or even that I have a blog, nor am I being compensated in any way for it. Our experience was just so life changing from hiring her to help us get it together! I wanted to write about it and hopefully give others hope who are living in the depths of disorganization like we were that there are professionals out there to help. And to give our experience with this kind of service for someone who may be on the fence about it. See you soon for Part 2!